"You have been purchased, and at a price. So glorify God in your body." ~ 1 Corinthians 6:20

Tuesday, February 15

Temperature Control

Everyone was out running this morning. After weeks of frigid weather, the temperature was cool and the skies were blue.

I should have been out there too; but due to an unfortunate choice by my youngest son, I am required to drive him to school for the next week.

Even though I know I want to be out there, my procrastinative imagination set in creating all manner of fantasies and excuses for why I can't be out there. Like a nagging mother, it reminded me of how much cleaning I have to get done, it suggested that finishing my bible study homework would be a better choice, it wondered aloud whether it wouldn't be better for me to make the menu and shopping list for this week. Stuff like that.

I almost fell for it. And, if I had, I would have had those feelings of guilt creep in, just like they always do, the minute it becomes too late for me to do it after all. Not today.

However, I did start late. 11AM. In a few shorts weeks, maybe a month if I am lucky, 11AM will be too late to be outside exercising because it will be just too hot. My nagging mother might win.

As I walked out the driveway and down the street, I almost hesitated. It was warm; about 70 degrees. I would definitely burn off my water weight today.

I started running and immediately felt the heat. I caught myself getting whiny about it. Why does it have to be so hot? Why can't there be a real spring here in TX? Where is that cool weather when I want it? I wished briefly for a thermostat on the outside temperature. How nice it would be to set it to my desired coolness just for my run.

How hard to please we are. A few weeks ago, we were all bitching about the cold, and the ice. We were wishing in unison that the weather would warm up. Then, in comes the warm weather and here I am, complaining about it.

There are things I could have done to fix it. I could have pulled myself out of the house earlier this morning instead of arguing with my nagging mother. I could have just put my foot down and said no to that conversation. After all, who is in control here anyhow?

Halfway through my run I had to strip my outer tech top off, coming down to my sports bra. I laughed as I realized that the cars with male drivers in them were slowing down, ever so slightly, as they passed. Not that I am anything to gauk at, mind you. But, we know men, and I bet they were not unhappy about the warm weather and its special repercussions.

I was blessed with the hint of cool on the stuttering breeze and the misty spray from the fountain at the reservoir.

In the end, I was glad I made the effort. I sang some praise for the warm weather. I know that if it had been cold, I for sure would not have gone out to run.

So, thank you Texas spring. I know you won't be here long but I promise from now on to enjoy you at all costs.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Congrats on the run and your kindness in giving the men a little thrill. Hey maybe instead of driving your son to school the two of you could run... LOL yea ok... kidding
