"You have been purchased, and at a price. So glorify God in your body." ~ 1 Corinthians 6:20

Thursday, December 30

Passion For Running Part 7: What Do You Like About It?

By now, you are hopefully on your way to making running a part of your exercise routine. You have a handle on the why, the how, and the elements of nutrition, hydration, and equipment.

Your friends and significant others are seeing a change in you. What you once complained about and procrastinated over is now something you seek out, at least some of the time. Or maybe you have broken through a barrier that before you just couldn't get beyond.

This is the goal and you are making wonderful progress. You may be feeling the change as well. You can now run stronger and longer. You may not labor through it quite as much as you used to. Dare I say that maybe you look forward to it once in awhile.

Now that you don't hate running quite as much, it is time to give serious thought to what you like about it. Look past the negatives or the difficulties (unless the challenge is what you like!). Push them to the side. Nobody ever perfected anything while focusing on the negatives.

What do you like about running? As with everything else, every reader of this post will have a different answer. Some may have multiple answers.

Here are some things I like about running, just in case you need help to get started:
  • the healthy heart link
  • the freedom
  • the challenge
  • the contribution to weight management and body shaping
  • the races
  • the challenge of a new race PR (sorry, can you tell I like the challenge?)
  • the people I meet at the races
  • the new race travel destinations
  • the cool running gadgets and paraphenalia

So, now it's your turn.

What do YOU like about it?

Whatever it is, maintaining your focus on the things you like about it will naturally push to the side anything that you don't quite like about it, making it easier and easier to achieve and maintain your passion for running.

1 comment:

  1. I've been meaning to make my way back here for a week or so. After you posted this I had to go back and think about what it is that I like about running. My immediate answer seemed silly "The Gadgits" but I keep coming back to that answer. In many way's it is the gadgits; they do it for me no matter what the workout. Specifically my polar heart rate monitor. There is something extremely motivating (for me) knowing what my heart rate is, how many calories I burn, and how I affect my resting heart rate. Five months ago my heart rate monitor crapped out and around the time I was trying to get back into working out I realized I needed the feedback. Especially for those days when I am working out alone. So I got myself a new one and this one has a GPS unit that tells me how far I've run as well. I think I am addicted :D
