"You have been purchased, and at a price. So glorify God in your body." ~ 1 Corinthians 6:20

Wednesday, November 30

Forward We Change

Things change. The seasons, the time...these are predictable, welcome, almost comforting.

Other things change but are not predictable, and many times chaotic.

Sometimes changes bring good; sometimes they bring bad.

Most always the unexpected ~

The changes that are for good might even feel bad while they are happening but when looked at after the fact and with an open mind and heart, many times one can see where the change was necessary. As painful and difficult as it was.

Or, at least that is how my faith paints it for me.

Change is on my mind big time today. Change has been pervasive in my life of late. And highly unpreditable. It comes in waves, daily. Sometimes hourly. It messes with my equilibrium. Sometimes it brings me to my knees.

In fact, not many aspects of my old life have escaped change, except for my true family and my true friends. I know they are devoted to me (and I to them) because they are still hanging around.

My home, my job, my sustenance, my stability, my faith, my church, my identity, my relationships. Each and every one of these has seen major elements of change over the past two years, sometimes more than once. Sometimes reversals.

The reversals are the worst. It is during the reversals where I have fear, and doubt. If I am not vigilant, those reversals gain momentum and cause angst.

And not minor changes. Major upheavals....like God decided at this juncture to throw out all except the core ingredients and start all over because I have so screwed up His plan. I can see Him thumbing through His recipe book looking for another recipe, an easier one, one that I won't screw up. Kids Cook instead of Julia Child.

In the meantime, I try to remain reflective. Inspired and inspiring. Relaxed and relaxing. Pragmatic. Accepting. Loving. Open heart. Open mind.

I came across quite a few poignant quotes about change that I would like to share. These, and many more, can all be found at Change Quotes at BrainyQuotes.com. Here are my top 3:

By Bruce Barton, "Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress."

By Denise McCluggage, "Change is the only constant; hanging on is the only sin."

By Frederick Douglass, "If there is no struggle, there is no progress."

No progress can be made by looking back, walking backwards, with eyes behind you. I tried it, on the beach in South Padre. Walking backward, watching my footsteps dissipate in the wet sand. Even on the beach, with few impediments and distractions, I didn't get too far before I stumbled.

When I turned forward, eyes ahead, and changed my focus to what was coming. I did much better. Although I can never hope that my life will be a walk on the beach, complete with pounding surf and speeding seagulls, I can hope that as I keep my eyes forward I will be better equipped to find out what God has planned for me next.

Maybe THAT is His plan.

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